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Raah offers individual, couple, and family counseling, which is a talking therapy about their feelings in a non-judgmental, safe, confidential environment to identify their problems and find their own solutions.


Emotional Counseling –It includes an overall experience of wellness in what we think, feel, and go through both the highs and lows of life.


Example – Deal with the feelings of loneliness, shyness, sadness, sensitivity, emotion, impulsive, hurt, jealousy, criticism, betrayal, doubt, embarrassment, hesitation, anger, etc.


Behavioral Counseling – It includes to identify and help change potentially self-destructive or unhealthy behaviors. The focus of treatment is often on current problems and how to change them.


Example – stubbornness, aggression, abuse, stealing, living argumentative, etc


Personal/ Social Counseling – It includes people who face difficulty to deal with the hardships alone and through therapy can learn skills for handling difficult situations, making healthy decisions, and reaching goals.


Example - intimacy issues, adjustment, lack of emotional control, trust issues, low self-confidence, stress, low motivation, unable to make friends, etc

Special Ed


Special Education involves special methodology, instructional materials, learning-teaching aids, and equipment to meet children's educational needs with specific learning disabilities. It may include breaking the task, scaffolding it, more practice, explaining, and devoting more time to developing the respective skill.


Specific Learning Disability – IQ is Average or Above Average. According to various studies, 5-15% of children are affected by the same.

Dyslexia – Reading Difficulty

Dyscalculia – Mathematic Difficulty

Dysgraphia – Writing Difficulty


Intellectual Disability – IQ below 70 and children are affected in social, intellectual and behavior

Adaptive/Social skills – communicate effectively, interact with others, and take care of oneself.

Intellectual Skills – the pace of learning new skills is very slow. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability, from mild to profound.


Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention Deficit – lost, easily distractable, frequent looking around, unable to complete the task given

Hyperactive/Impulsitivity – difficult to sit at one place, running and jumping around, talking too much, breaking things.


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Social interaction – no eye contact, no social communication

Communication – verbal or non-verbal,

Restricted repetitive behavior – constant movement or repetition of hand/eye, or words

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy with pediatric set up is all about fun and learning where play is used as a medium of therapy. They learn their necessary occupation such as play, daily living activities, coping with academics, and social participation.


Occupation” as a term refers to practical and purposeful activities that allow people to leave independently and have a sense of identity. This could be an essential day to day tasks such as self-care, work, or leisure.


Areas of intervention:


Fine motor skills,

gross motor skills,

balancing, coordination,


sitting tolerance,


improve handwriting,


sensory integration,

cognition, perceptual,

& activities of daily living.


Occupational therapy kids with




Cerebral Palsy (CP),

Specific Learning Disorder,

Developmental coordination disorder,

developmental delay,

muscular dystrophy,

Down syndrome,

Intellectual Disability.



Personality Test – Personality testing refers to techniques used to accurately and consistently measure personality, which we display in our day to day living outside in the world.


Projective Test – A projective test designed to let a person reveal hidden emotions and internal conflicts projected by the person into the test.


Psycho-educational Assessments – Evaluating the areas of reading, comprehension, spelling, writing, mathematics skills with their strengths and weaknesses, and the child's learning style. This indeed helps us to understand the present level of the child.


Intelligence Test – there are a series of questions and performance-based activities which the child is supposed to do in time-bound. Scores will tell us the mental age of the child in terms of verbal and performance-based IQ.


Aptitude Test - An Aptitude tests assume that individuals have inherent strengths and weaknesses and have a natural inclination toward success or failure in specific areas based on their innate characteristics, skills, interest, and personality


A group of people gathers to gain knowledge, information, share experience, and discuss the topic through practical examples and activities.



  • Self-confidence and self-esteem,

  • exams and stress,

  • stress management,

  • sex education,

  • menstrual and hygiene

  • emotions, action & reaction,

  • emotional intelligence

  • Phonics – skill to read and write.



  • Parent-child relationship,

  • parenting,

  • emotions, action, & reaction,

  • emotional intelligence

  • Phonics – skill to read and write


  • Mental health awareness,

  • childhood psychiatric conditions,

  • emotions, action, & reaction,

  • emotional intelligence,

  • understanding specific learning disability,

  • understanding intellectual disability,

  • behavioral and educational problems in children,

  • early signs and symptoms for children with special needs,

  • Phonics – skill to read and write


  • Understanding Specific Learning Disability,

  • Understanding Intellectual Disability,

  • Behavioral and Educational problems in children,

  • Early signs and symptoms for children with special needs

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